Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Into the Wild

     I think that if you only carry enough on your back at a dead run you  distance yourself from everyone around and become an outcast in society. The value of a minimalist lifestyle would be that if danger came you would be able to get away quickly.  Such as when Alex was caught on the trains and when he was caught hitchhiking. Also living a minimalist lifestyle would be beneficial to you if you were trying to distance yourself from others and your old self. You could change your name like Chris did and get rid of everything you own so people couldn't track you. You would also be able to lead a life of solitude so you can do whatever you want whenever you want. It also lets you do whatever deep thinking and philosophical ways that may inspire you. 
      I don't think I would be able to do this in today's society because I am to materialistic and I wouldn't be able to leave my family like Chris did. Even if I would take some material things with me I feel I wouldn't be able to cut out the technological ways I have been brought up in. My family is a huge part of my life and I wouldn't be able to leave them because they are my rock through all of my troubles and I their rock through their's. I think it would be fun to try and live like that but it would take to much of an emotional toll on my and myself.   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nature's Story

     As I step outside into the warm baking sunlight the birds sing their songs to one another. The birds' songs provide a sweet melody. It reminds me of a time when I was on the beach relaxing all day and the birds' sung their songs all day long. Although I have disturbed their peace the birds proceed as if no one has entered the world.  They fly into the ocean deep skies covered with cotton candy clouds only to swoop back down to the ground.
     The lush green grass provides a nice place to sit and observe what the day has become. The beautiful day calms and relaxes me like any beautiful fall day does. The crisp breeze blows the leaves around me and the thick trunks of the trees. The vibrant evergreen trees paint the horizon with spurts of green and the yellow leaved maple trees provide an excellent contrast. Nearer to where I sit a fiery red bush adds its contrast to the landscape in front of me. The scenery looks like a painting that Claude Monet would paint.
     The breeze blows again rustling leaves and leaving the smell of fall dangling in the air and good childhood memories. The leaves dance across the street and into the clean lawns of the quiet houses on the street. No one comes or goes from the houses; they sit as patiently waiting for the owners to come home much as a dog would. A car drives by disturbing the peace that filled the air.